
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Phone addict

How addicted are you to your phone?

I know I am. Ask my friends, all would gladly imitate me typing away on phone, smiling and giggling to myself. (-.-') I've been trying my best to give my phone a rest. Especially when I'm with a group of people, phone will have to sit quietly in my bag or jean pocket. :) it is rude when you stop someone in the middle of the conversation to reply a message or make a phone call. Though I still tend to do it every now and then, but only if its really important.

Bb and iphone users have problems letting their phone go. I know a lot who has that problem. And I know that they know they have that problem. We just have to step out from that denial stage and admit that we have a problem.

To overcome this mad sickness, I would leave my phone in my room while I watch tv downstairs. Or put my phone on silent mode while I do my work. Little things. I remember back then when I had my first bb, I wasn't really into it and left it everywhere. Seriously, in the fridge, car, friend's house and...just about anywhere! Now, its hard to let go. :(

Slowly...I'm letting it go. I soon will get out from this sickness and will be able to survive without it. Yeah!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

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