Saturday, March 27, 2010
I....Was bored
So,to entertain myself,I took pictures of the tv screen.
I know.I'm such fun kan? I just needed something to do so I won't fall asleep. Why not just sleep? I wanted to finish the game and was expecting a phone call from a friend who's all the way in Jakarta for his work trip. He did call. Chatted for awhile but I think I fell asleep on him. (-_-")
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Dig dig dig
I found a picture of me when I was 18,about 5 years ago.I don't remember where I was when I took that picture. *sigh* back then I had no trouble applying eye liner,now I actually do suffer when I wanna apply it. Eyebags was terrible because back then I could go on for few days without sleep because of assignments and quite an exciting night life.
The nametags. :) when I used to misplaced mine,I would wear my sister's nametag cause people don't really bother to look at it,they just glance at it. So having 'Saz' at the front has saved me from getting discipline marks. :D
The tamagochi. I used to play it when I was 10 or 11 then I gave up cause mine tends to die within 3 days. Then few years later,someone bought that for me as birthday present. Pet still lasted to the maximum of 4 days. Pfffft. I should get new batts so I can play with it.
I love going through my old things. Try it,its fun. Finding your old stuff should be a kick!
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Monday, March 22, 2010
My mom would cook dinner and I have to do the dishes afterwards which can be pretty annoying cause good tv shows airs during the time when I have to do the dishes. Friends who picks me up for coffee would have to wait till I'm done cleaning up.
Every Sunday I have to wake up early to vacuum,wipe the furnitures,clean the bathrooms,do the laundry,then iron the clothes,in other words,clean the house thoroughly.
But its good that I can help out around the house because for one thing,I've learned to manage my time.I have also learned to arrange my things neatly. Its about time I stop being messy. I can do laundry and iron clothes nice and neat. I still hate to vacuum but once I start,the cleaning demon in me will wake up and I'll vacuum like there's no tomorrow.
This morning,I woke up with a note outside my door. more housework and amazingly, I did all. I complained at first but got everything done. When the whole house was clean, I looked around and smiled with pride. Daaaaamn the house looks good.
Now all I have to learn is to cook and I'll be up for marriage. :p
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Saturday, March 20, 2010
My entire life,I've encountered many people who doesn't respect time. When my friends and I plan to meet, I will be there on time or few minutes late but never more than 15 minutes late. Unless I have problems like family issue, car trouble or anything that takes time to handle, then I'll be a lot late. But I don't leave it as it is,I'll inform my friends about it.
Let's say,I'm meeting a friend at 5pm around Bangsar area. If I'm around KL area,I would leave early from wherever I am because the traffic jam gets real bad by 4pm.
I'm out with group of friends 'A' and I'm supposed to meet group friends of 'B' in an hour then suddenly group 'A' tells me to stay few more minutes. I hate that. Sometimes I do stay, but not long enough to make me really late in meeting group 'B'. I'll nicely tell group 'A' that I have to meet group 'B' and don't want to be late. I'll work out my time,decide which road to take and think of where to park my car beforehand so it'll be a lot easier once I get there.
Its easy to me, don't ever break your promise. When you make a promise to meet someone at that time,keep it. Unless something more important comes up,then that's ok. If you resent it,then don't promise in the first place. Put yourself in that person's shoes and imagine when someone comes late or cancel on you at the last minute, how does that make you feel? Angry? I do get angry,annoyed and disappointed. Disappointed because apparently I'm not important enough for you to keep your promise. How you treat that person is how important he/she is to you.
Friends are important. Family first no matter what. Friends are important, don't treat them wrong. Treat them with respect!! Even if they're just your friends,it doesn't give you the permission to toy them around.
Wowee...from 'time' I'm now talking about 'friendship'...I'm blaming the medication.
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A question.
There's a reason why I didn't want to stay. Its because; why would I stay when I know I'm not wanted?
Am I right?
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Bought myself the 'Salonpas' for rm4.30 and used two plaster. Right about now,I've used about 6 plaster :p pfffft...need to buy more. Each plaster can last up to 8 hours but honestly,after 5 hours,I feel as if I need a new one.
To make sure I don't suffer from much pain, I used the 'counterpain' and I swear,because I felt my skin burning,it to my mind off the pain. Phew...note to self,next time,don't apply too much.
So,my whole Saturday has been at home,tending my aching arm. :( I sure hope the pain will be gone by tomorrow. I really wanna spend tomorrow outdoor.
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
So I've not read the book, I might though, just to really see what its about. I know I won't be putting down the book and go; "By God!! This is what he meant!!!!"
But I guess, its some sort of guidance. We won't register all but we're more aware of the opposite sex around us.
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Sunday, March 14, 2010
Cuppies from Iezan ;)
Friendship has no limit. Its never too far, too tiring, too complicated for friendship. I can have a friend I grew up with living next door and she still won't bake me cupcakes. I can have a friend who has been sitting at home the who day watching tv and she's too tired to go out. Its all about knowing who your true friends are. starts...once the cuppies dah habis!
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Saturday, March 13, 2010
Chawan love!
I like hanging out there cause of the environment, the interior and the price is not bad. Though nothing beats RM2 Teh tarik at mamak stalls but so far,if I don't want to be spending RM15 for coffee, I would go to Chawan.
Besides,its located at Bangsar,a few minutes drive from my Damansara house and college. Parking can be a real pain but I'm lucky most of the time to get parking near the shop. If not, I would just have to pay for parking at Bangsar Village 1 :p
Girlfriends and I go there to check out the young,working,bachelor men actually :p and trust me,you can find few of them there. Ok fine, we don't always go there foe the men. We love the coffee and the tidbids.
Yummy looking kan?
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Bad Ass Coffee
So far the only place you can get it is at Tropicana City Mall which is around PJ,Damansara area.
The price is not bad though. Around the same standard as Starbucks,Coffee Bean but I think its a buck or two cheaper though.
There's a smoking area but not ourside under the hot sun where you'll burn to death of suffer from dehydration. Its a/c room for smokers. Yeah,went in there cause I saw a free table. After few minutes inhaling the bad air,only then I realized it was a smoking corner. Pffft....
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I didn't watch the match because I was dead tired for celebrating my birthday the day before!
I knew my boys will kill the other team! I have faith in them!! :)
Besides,that was my birthday wish before blowing the candle.
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Birthday birthday birthday!!
It's the sis's birthday too today so we BOTH had a great countdown. Had dinner and had drinks later on. We hung out,laughed,joked,teased,took pictures and blew out the candles on our little cake.
We also celebrated u.joey's belated birthday and Nass soon to me birthday.
We March babies are plain Awesome!
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Thursday, March 4, 2010
Er...birthday anyone?
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Pimp my BB!
So,I've been using this cheap,hard cover which I decorated with stickers. Back in High School,my friends and I would decorate our phones with stickers. I still do. :)
Recently a friend of mine went to Bangkok and she got me cheap BB covers ;) and because its cheap and not original....I decorated it with stickers :/ but its ok,I'm bound to change to a new cover in few months time.
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