
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dig dig dig

Since I'm moving to Ampang,I've been busy with cleaning and packing. When I was packing,I found some old stuff of mine.

I found a picture of me when I was 18,about 5 years ago.I don't remember where I was when I took that picture. *sigh* back then I had no trouble applying eye liner,now I actually do suffer when I wanna apply it. Eyebags was terrible because back then I could go on for few days without sleep because of assignments and quite an exciting night life.

The nametags. :) when I used to misplaced mine,I would wear my sister's nametag cause people don't really bother to look at it,they just glance at it. So having 'Saz' at the front has saved me from getting discipline marks. :D

The tamagochi. I used to play it when I was 10 or 11 then I gave up cause mine tends to die within 3 days. Then few years later,someone bought that for me as birthday present. Pet still lasted to the maximum of 4 days. Pfffft. I should get new batts so I can play with it.

I love going through my old things. Try it,its fun. Finding your old stuff should be a kick!
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